Cool “Disco” Dan

Those of you who have ridden the DC Metro may have seen the work of Cool “Disco” Dan, one of the most prolific graffiti artists of Washington, DC. I came across a great MetaFilter post that linked to an interview with him (YouTube video, a featured artist gallery, and a Washington City Paper article entitled “The Last of Cool ‘Disco’ Dan?” lamenting the fact that his art is all but gone. I’m glad I caught that post…

Guillermo Del Toro to Direct “Hobbit” Movies

Lord Of The RingsMy earlier report that Peter Jackson would direct two Hobbit movies was a bit erroneous; he is actually going to executive produce. New is just out, however, that Guillermo Del Toro will direct the movies, which is quite exciting. Del Toro is most recently known for the movies Pan’s Labyrinth and Hellboy (among others), and I think that this collaboration could make for some great movies.