Free Games

I’ve probably posted some of these before, but since I came across a couple of good links recently, I decided to post en masse. Here is a list of sites that have huge amounts of links to free games (as opposed to sites with original games, a topic that deserves its own post), some of which are playable online and some of which need to be downloaded and installed. I’ll add more links as I find them:


“South Park” Wins Peabody Award

South ParkI am somewhat surprised to see that South Park won a Peabody Award. Peabody Awards Director Horace Newcomb commented that the show

pushes all the buttons, turns up the heat and shatters every taboo. Through that process of offending it reminds us of the need for being tolerant.

Amen. I’m glad to see that people see past the omnipresent juvenile potty humor (which is fun in its own right) to the real social commentary that South Park offers.


W Gets Served

Think Progress reports that a recent W PR event on the war on terror “went off-script when a man named Harry Taylor took the microphone.” Here is one of the best excerpts, although he was allowed to go on for a surprisingly long time:

“I feel like despite your rhetoric, that compassion and common sense have been left far behind during your administration,” Taylor said, standing in a balcony seat and looking down at Bush on stage. “And I would hope from time to time that you have the humility and grace to be ashamed of yourself.”

Definitely visit the post to see the rest of his “question” or to see a video; the full, “official” transcript is available here.

Yo, W just got served! 😉