DrikoLand Photos

Oregon Sunset
It’s been a long time coming, but I’ve finally revamped the DrikoLand Photos section, utilizing the free web-based Minigal software. I experimented with SimpleViewer (here’s the SimpleViewer gallery I started to work on), but as much as I liked the slick Flash interface, I decided against it because users without Flash would be unable to view anything, and the site wouldn’t be searchable via search engines. Although come to think of it, Minigal generates pages dynamically, so I’m not sure that my photograph pages would necessarily be “spidered” anyway.

I’ll try to update the page more often now that it’s easier to do so, although my goal of scanning in older photographs will take some time. Please let me know what you think of the new gallery, and by all means make use of the comment boxes below individual pictures if you’re inspired to do so. 😉

Update: Just in case someone reads this old post, I wanted to let them know that as of October 2006, I’ve revamped the gallery again, this time using JAlbum software. For more information, see my post on the change.


Deflexion is a boardgame that combines the strategy of chess with a twist:

Players alternate turns moving Egyptian themed mirrored pieces around the playing field after which they fire their low powered laser diode with the goal of illuminating their opponent’s pieces to eliminate them from the game.

Turns involve the movement of pieces as well as the movement and/or rotation of mirrors, and at the end of each turn a low-powered laser is fired. A piece is eliminated if a non-mirrored surface is hit by the laser. Quite geeky, but I think it sounds neat…

Fox To Release Web-Only Family Guy Episodes

Family GuyMediaWeek reports that

Fox will produce original episodes of it’s resurrected hit Family Guy exclusively for the Web sometime next year.

While a specific distribution model was not discussed, Levinsohn implied that these episodes will be sold directly to users. Speaking hypothetically, he spoke of selling episodes of the series on an individual user’s MySpace profile for a $1.99 an episode after these users have made an initial purchase.

I’ll definitely be interested in finding out more about this…

Anti-Fog Glass

Scientists at MIT have developed an anti-fogging glass that utilizes a “superhydrophillic — water loving — coating [that] is composed of nanoparticles made of silica, the same material that glass is made from, to create a coating with a rough surface, although it looks smooth to the naked eye.” The result is a surface that not only does not fog up but also lets more light in, acting as an anti-reflective coating that improves transparency. The page contains a video demonstration and interview. Very cool…
