This well-written piece about 10 Technology Disasters highlights some lesser-known failures in applying new technology. In almost every case, a relatively obvious (in retrospect, at least) flaw was to blame.
Woo hoo! Indiana Jones 4 finally seems to be moving along. In this interview with Steven Spielberg, he opines that “Harrison Ford can still kick the s**t out of most people half his age.” Well, although he’s definitely the only man for the part, I recall him looking a little out of shape back in Temple of Doom even…
USAF F-15s inadvertently ‘save the day’ in California. Apparently, rival gangs in Torrance, CA “scattered like roaches” after a flyover by F-15s participating in a nearby airshow. I’ll refrain from any “excessive use of force” jokes. Oops, too late.
The pop megahit song lyric generator culls its database of cliché phrases and overused pop lyrics to create a pop song just for you!
Evel Knievel is back and wants to jump again. I fondly remember Evel Knievel and even had one of his toy motorcycles, complete with ramp. But reading the story and his ending quote, “Anyone who’s afraid of dying is an idiot,” just leads me to believe that he ain’t quite right these days…
Mmmm… Fried Twinkies. Now if that isn’t good I don’t know what is.
Site update: I added a new poll to the main ‘80s page. My personal ’80s favorite (and possibly my all-time favorite band) is The Police, so I went with Synchronicity as best ’80s album. I predict that The King Of Pop will prevail, but we’ll see…
We’re going live! Any comments or suggestions are appreciated…