BBspot’s list Top 11 Geek Euphemisms for Sex is pretty good…
See And Avoid
Google Maps Mania posts about the site See And Avoid, a surprisingly comprehensive site:
What kind of organisation would create a Google Map mash-up identifying the location of every Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine military installation in the US? A map moreover that allows users to zoom in on any military base and examine a detailed satellite image whilst at the same time providing information on the types of planes and squadrons based there.
Well the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), that’s who., according to the U.S. Defense Department, “offers a centralized, credible website for civilian pilots and military safety officers. The site offers reciprocal information and education on airspace, visual identification, aircraft performance and mutual hazards to safe flight, with the ultimate goal of eliminating mid-air collisions and reducing close calls.”
Cool, but not something I expected to be so readily available to the public…
Requiem For A Day Off
The YouTube video Requiem For A Day Off is a somewhat unlikely mashup of Ferris Bueller’s Day Off and Requiem For A Dream.
Which Catchphrases Should be “Thrown Under the Bus”?
Ron Rosenbaum of Slate Magazine offers his opionion on Which catchphrases should be “thrown under the bus”. It is what it is… ;-p
Firefox (“MiG-31”) Online Resource
The Firefox Online Resource wasn’t what I thought; it’s actually “an online resource devoted to the fictional Soviet aircraft featured in the 1982 movie Firefox [which is based on the Craig Thomas novel].” There’s some pretty cool stuff here, including the original technical illustration above…
Patton Oswalt Commencement Speech
Patton Oswalt, a favorite comedian of mine, recently gave the commencement speech at the high school he graduated from, and it’s one of the best I’ve heard in a while…
An Honor That W Is Unlikely to Embrace
The New York Times reports on “an honor that W is unlikely to embrace:”
the Presidential Memorial Commission of San Francisco is planning to ask voters here to change the name of a prize-winning water treatment plant on the shoreline to the George W. Bush Sewage Plant.
Gummi Lighthouses?!
The Adventures of Accordion Guy in the 21st Century is right on the money in its description of these Gummi Lighthouses (probably/unintentionally NSFW) “candy design [gone] terribly, hilariously wrong.” 🙂
10 Worst Ways To Behave At Concerts’s list of the 10 Worst Ways To Behave At Concerts is pretty much spot-on, although I feel like a crotchety old man for agreeing so wholeheartedly… 😉
Ken Griffey’s Untainted Journey to 600
With all of the controversy surrounding steroids in sports, Jack Wilkinson’s Sports Illustrated article Griffey’s journey untainted was quite refreshing. Ken Griffey, Jr. recently became the sixth person in major-league history to hit 600 home runs, and as Wilkinson says, “Junior’s achievement was not only extraordinary, but untainted.” Well said.