Boring Boring is a great (April Fool’s?) parody of Boing Boing… 🙂
The History Of Mozilla Firefox
Flexbeta has an informative article on The History of Mozilla Firefox. It sure seems like it’s been around longer than three years or so, though. The article details changes in appearances and features, starting from its initial incarnation as Phoenix 0.1, to its transformation to Firebird in version 0.6, and finally to the present Firefox after version 0.8. I believe I got on board around version 0.3 and have never looked back…
WHFS Lives!
It appears that my earlier report of the demise of the DC-area alternative rock radio station 99.1 WHFS in favor of a Latino channel was somewhat premature, as it seems that WHFS has returned as 105.7. I was very glad to hear that it wasn’t gone for good. By the way, the HFStival (May 14th at M&T Stadium in Bawlamer) lineup looks really good this year…
“Big Dick” Cheney
The Weekly World News reports that “Big Dick” Cheney allegedly worked his way through college as a nude art model. 🙂
Scientific American’s Mea Culpa
too much and too little has reprinted a great Scientific American editorial from its upcoming April issue (definitely no coincidence there). The editorial issued a satirical mea culpa for its previous “hideously one-sided” coverage of evolution, a theory that is way too “bogged down in details” when compared to the conveniently vague ideas of Intelligent Design. 😉 Check it out here.
Top 100 April Fool’s Day Hoaxes Of All Time
To round out my coverage of April Fool’s Day, check out the Top 100 April Fool’s Day Hoaxes Of All Time
Update: Urgo has compiled a list of other April Fool’s jokes for 2005.