Pretty In Pink 2?!

Pretty In PinkA while ago I posted about the possibility of the movie 32 Candles, purportedly a sequel to the classic ‘80s flick Sixteen Candles. Well, I haven’t heard much about that one recently, but according to stereogum, director John Hughes has announced that Pretty In Pink will have a sequel. The movie is due out next year, and Molly Ringwald, Andrew McCarthy, and John Cryer will reportedly reprise their roles.

I don’t know what to think about this one. The fact that John Hughes and most of the original cast is involved gives me hope, but there is the distinct chance that all this will do is sully the original, as so many other crappy sequels have done in the past…

Update: Apparently this was an elaborate “April Fools” hoax, which I might have figured out had I read the obviously tongue-in-cheek original story instead of the reconstituted version. Oh, and the fact that I read it on April 5th slightly diluted my skepticism as well, although I really should have seen this coming…

Save Passwords In Firefox Bookmarklet

FirefoxThe Password Manager in Firefox is a great feature, but I noticed that password autofill didn’t seem to work with all sites. Now I know why:

Some sites, including many banks and a few other sites such as Yahoo Mail and Microsoft Passport, tell browsers not to remember passwords for visitors using autocomplete=“off”. This bookmarklet makes the browser ignore autocomplete=“off” temporarily, allowing you to save passwords even on sites that use autocomplete=“off”.

For those of you unfamiliar with bookmarklets, they’re basically bookmarks with embedded JavaScript commands rather than URLs; there is a good selection of bookmarklets available here. Bookmarklets can be dragged to the toolbar of Firefox, in this case creating a button that, when pressed just before entering a password at a site where autocomplete is turned off, will direct Firefox to thereafter remember the password and autofill it for you. I got it to work at Yahoo and look forward to trying out a couple of banking sites that had the same issue.