Liked on YouTube: “11 INTROS TO TACKY 80s SCI-FI/FANTASY TV”
Liked on YouTube: “Battlestar Galactica Original Theme”
Liked on YouTube: “Nirvana Smells Like Teen Spirit (TOTP 1991 – Live Vocal)”
Michael Fassbender to Star in ‘Kung Fury’ Feature Film
Michael Fassbender to Star in ‘Kung Fury’ Feature Film
“David Hasselhoff, who sang the theme to the original ‘80s homage cult short, will also appear in the action-comedy from David Sandberg and KatzSmith Productions. ” – My Comments : Sweet!
Liked on YouTube: “Hear the Otherworldly Sounds of Skating on Thin Ice | National Geographic”
Hear the Otherworldly Sounds of Skating on Thin Ice | National Geographic
Hear the Otherworldly Sounds of Skating on Thin Ice | National Geographic
“This small lake outside Stockholm, Sweden, emits otherworldly sounds as Mårten Ajne skates over its precariously thin, black ice. “Wild ice skating,” or “Nor… ” – My Comments :
Liked on YouTube: “NEW WAVE ALTERNATIVE MiX vol.4”
Liked on YouTube: “Hair Stylists React to Trump’s Hair Flapping in the Wind”
Quincy Jones on the Secret Michael Jackson and the Problem With Modern Pop
Quincy Jones on the Secret Michael Jackson and the Problem With Modern Pop
“Currently in the midst of an extended victory lap ahead of his turning 85 in March, the music legend talks like he has nothing to lose. ” – My Comments : Very interesting, wide-ranging interview in which it’s pretty clear that Quincy Jones doesn’t GAF. 🙂
Liked on YouTube: “The Real Donald Trump”