I hope this doesn’t totally suck. It’s a hard sell without Will Farrell… 😉
Cellar Door
“The claim that [the phrase] ’cellar door’ is beautiful to the ear — in opposition to its prosaic meaning — has been made by and attributed to a wide variety of writers over the years.” Author/linguist J.R.R. Tolkien is an adherent, and the idea was even mentioned in the movie Donnie Darko (YouTube link).
[via MetaFilter]
Admiral Ackbar Closer to Ole Miss Mascot Status
Admiral Ackbar Closer to Ole Miss Mascot Status
It’s not a trap! Sorry, I couldn’t resist…
Ole Miss is in the middle of a movement to replace their old mascot – Colonel Reb – after the school decided they wanted to update their image. Tuesday, the students voted in favor of crowning a new mascot to represent Rebel Nation … and the favorite so far is none other than the most famous Mon Calamari in the entire universe.
Do You Follow Too Many People On Twitter? Use ManageTwitter.
Do You Follow Too Many People On Twitter? Use ManageTwitter.
…it lets you know which of the Twitter users you follow aren’t following you back, who is inactive, who is talkative, and who is quiet. Each of these are great gauges for whether you should still be following them or not.
I’m not that active on Twitter, but this sounds useful…
The edge…there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over.
The Real Rules for Time Travelers
The Real Rules for Time Travelers
This article fried my brain a little:
Some of our understanding of time is based on logic and the known laws of physics, but some of it is based purely on convenience and reasonable-sounding assumptions. We think that the ability to uniquely determine the future from knowledge of our present state is important, but the real world might end up having other ideas. If physicists discover that closed timelike curves really can exist, we will have to dramatically rethink the way we understand time. In that case, the universe could not be nicely divided into a series of separate “moments” of time.
How to stop Google Analytics from tracking your own visits
How to stop Google Analytics from tracking your own visits
This was surprisingly easy to implement:
The solution is this: we will set a cookie on our browser and then use Analytics’ filter to ignore visits from all machines that has this cookie set.