The CollegeHumor video The Matrix Runs on Windows is pretty fun…
The Eyeballing Game
The Eyeballing Game tests your visual skills in judging various geometrical characteristics of diagrams. I did pretty well, scoring a 3.1 overall. I should hope so, too, as part of my job depends on that kind of visual acuity…
The Movie Map
The Movie Map allows you to “find movie filming locations and the places where movies have been made.” Pretty cool…
Literal Video Versions
Recently I came across a couple of “literal videos,” in which classic video lyrics are changed to reflect what’s actually happening in the video. It’s hard to explain, so take a look at a-ha’s Take On Me and Tears For Fears’ Head Over Heels and you’ll see what I mean.
xkcd recently outdid itself with the comic Height, in which the observable universe is depicted from “top to bottom.” Click on the image above to see the entire image, as I couldn’t do it justice when I cropped it.
Barack Obama 2008
Scott Bakula Jumps Into McCain’s Body
The Onion reports that Scott Bakula Jumps Into McCain’s Body Just Before Election. 🙂
Ron Howard’s Call To Action
Ron Howard’s Call To Action is a hilarious video for Barack Obama, starring himself, Henry Winkler, and Andy Griffith. 🙂
The GOP ticket’s appalling contempt for science
Slate Magazine’s Christopher Hitchens wrote an insightful article entitled The GOP ticket’s appalling contempt for science and learning.
Presidential Elections
The American Presidency Project presents electoral maps for all presidential elections as well as a lot more information. presents slightly more detailed historical electoral map information.