Thai Fishermen Catch 646-Pound Fish

Yesterday Thai Fishermen caught a 646-pound catfish. The first thing that came to mind when I read this was the Simpsons episode War Of The Simpsons, in which Homer catches “General Sherman,” an immense catfish, instead of attending a marriage retreat session with Marge. His legendary accomplishment is recollected by a clerk in the local bait and tackle shop:

Clerk: Yep, `General Sherman’. They say he’s five hundred pounds of bottom-dwelling fury, don’t you know. No one knows how old he is, but if you ask me (and most people do), he’s hundred years if he’s a day.
Customer: And uh no one’s ever caught him?
Clerk: Well, one fella came close. Went by the name of Homer. Seven feet tall he was, with arms like tree trunks. His eyes were like steel, cold, hard. Had a shock of hair, red like the fires of Hell.

I’m actually a little disappointed that the Thai fisherman caught a fish bigger than General Sherman… 😉

Thai Fishermen Catch 646-Pound Fish

Yesterday Thai Fishermen caught a 646-pound catfish. The first thing that came to mind when I read this was the Simpsons episode War Of The Simpsons, in which Homer catches “General Sherman,” an immense catfish, instead of attending a marriage retreat session with Marge. His legendary accomplishment is recollected by a clerk in the local bait and tackle shop:

Clerk: Yep, `General Sherman’. They say he’s five hundred pounds of bottom-dwelling fury, don’t you know. No one knows how old he is, but if you ask me (and most people do), he’s hundred years if he’s a day.
Customer: And uh no one’s ever caught him?
Clerk: Well, one fella came close. Went by the name of Homer. Seven feet tall he was, with arms like tree trunks. His eyes were like steel, cold, hard. Had a shock of hair, red like the fires of Hell.

I’m actually a little disappointed that the Thai fisherman caught a fish bigger than General Sherman… 😉