Animal Dress-Up

Take a look at the recent Photoshop Contest – Animal Dress-Up 6:

The rules of this game are thus: You are going to put clothes on animals. Any clothes. Any animals (i.e. A camel wearing a bra on it’s humps, or a penguin in a tux) The animal doesn’t need to be dressed up completely…even giving it earrings is good although it obviously will not score high. Do not simply paste an animal’s head onto a human’s body unless you change the exposed parts of the human to match the animal’s parts.


Atari Comic Books

AtariAge presents Atari Comic Books:

Back in the heyday of the Atari 2600, several games were shipped with mini-comic books as an added bonus. In total, 10 different comic books were created, most of which were produced by DC Comics.

The site has scanned in all ten comic books for your viewing pleasure. Cool… 🙂

BBS: The Documentary

Before the Interweb became ubiquitous, getting “online” meant dialing into Bulletin Board Systems (BBSes) with modems, and ASCII GUIs and art were cutting edge technology. BBS: The Documentary is:

a mini-series of 8 episodes about the history of the BBS, [and] is now available. Spanning 3 DVDs and totalling five and a half hours, this documentary is actually eight documentaries about different aspects of this important story in the annals of computer history.

I remember playing around on BBSes on my Commodore, and to a lesser extent on my early PCs. Things were a lot simpler then…

Besides more details related to the documentary, the site has a lot of other interesting information, including a subsite called that is an amazing archive of things you would find on a BBS. There is a lot to see there, so I suggest you check out the Top 100 Textfiles to get a flavor for what’s available. Man, this takes me back…

Update: Jason Scott, author of the documentary, has a great post in which he discusses his decision to release the documentary under a Creative Commons License. His attitude is extremely refreshing, and although I was pretty much set on buying the DVD set, I am definitely going to now. Well done…

Update: Wired Magazine has a nice article on the documentary