The Ten Commandments, Minnesota Style

The Ten Commandments, Minnesota Style 🙂

  1. Der’s only one God, ya know.
  2. Don’t make dat fish on yer mantle an idol.
  3. Cussing ain’t Minnesota nice.
  4. Go to church–even when yer up nort.
  5. Honor yer folks.
  6. Don’t kill. Catch and release.
  7. Der’s only one Lena fer every Ole. No cheatin!
  8. If it ain’t yer Lutefisk, don’t take it.
  9. Don’t be braggin’ about how much snow ya shoveled.
  10. Keep yer mind off yer neighbor’s hotdish.

Sci-Fi Stencils features stencils of famous science fiction writers. The first thing that came to mind when I saw this was a Simpsons quote (of course):

Martin: As your president, I would demand a science-fiction library, featuring an ABC of the overlords of the genre. Asimov, Bester, Clarke!
Student: What about Ray Bradbury?
Martin: [dismissively] I’m aware of his work…

Yeah, that’s pretty much the main reason I linked to this… 😉

Tags as Categories

del.icio.usI’m going to experiment with adding tags to my posts, utilizing, and possibly utilizing Technorati in the future. I am mostly introducing this feature so that I can assign categories to my posts, something that Blogger cannot do at the moment. Although I’ve been toying with the idea of tags in general for some time, this post at Freshblog gave me the idea of using tags as a category work-around in Blogger.

As you can see at the end of this post, I’ve added a tag for “blogs” (among others). The tag links to my page for the tag “blogs,” which lists all posts I’ve made with that tag, shows related tags I’ve used, and also allows you to look at posts from all users with that tag. Because of the tag syntax I used, this tag is also searchable in Technorati, so I added a Technorati search box in the right sidebar. Preceding a search term with “tag:” returns results which show who else is using that tag for posts, related tags, and flickr images with that tag. I thought about having Technorati tags along with tags in my posts, but I don’t want to overclutter things just yet.

I probably won’t get to tagging old posts, although I’ll try if I have time (yeah, right). There is a pretty nice tool called loader that supposedly imports Firefox bookmarks into I imagine you’d have to manually tag all of the entries after that, which would be a huge undertaking for the humongous bookmark file I currently have. Maybe I’ll try a test bookmark page first. 😉 Many people have completely transitioned to for bookmark management, as it allows for easier synchronization. For now, I’m not totally sold on that idea because of my elaborate bookmark organizing scheme, but I’ll have to think about that too.

I’ll try to remember to add new categories to the right sidebar as I utilize new ones for easy access; hopefully that will be a useful way to track different categories of posts.

For more information about tagging, Technorati, and, here are some useful links:

Please let me know if you find this at all useful. As I continue to experiment, I’ll be sure to let you know if I find any novel uses for tags/categories and/or more tools to better implement and manage them.

Update (11/17/05): As some of you may have noticed, the hand-coded category links in the right sidebar have been replaced by a Javascript tagroll provided by I like it a lot better, as you can see the frequency of the category by the size and color of the font used. There are some other customizations you can make as well. Let me know what you think…

The Future Of Television

Conan O’Brien’s MSNBC article The Future of Television makes some bold predictions:

Toddlers’ bowls will have a television at the bottom, and children will be encouraged to eat all of their mush so they can see Morley Safer.

Twenty-four-hour news channels, desperate for even more coverage, will conspire with NASA to alter Earth’s orbit, creating a 25-hour day. Fox News’s attempt to create a 26th hour will result in volcanic eruptions, and Bill O’Reilly will perish in a lava flow.

In an effort to bring Red and Blue states together, one giant plasma screen, four miles high, will rise from the central Plains, visible from both coasts. In accordance with the amended Constitution, the president will be the only one with the authority to touch the remote, which a nearby Marine will carry in a briefcase.

Well worth a read… 😉