Just when you thought Michael Jackson couldn’t sound any crazier, somebody finds something else to surprise you. CNN reports on an upcoming Vanity Fair article that reveals some pretty weird stuff, even for him:
Jackson bleaches his skin white because he does not like being black… [and] refers to black people as “spabooks”…
[Jackson] wears a page-boy wig and a prosthesis that serves as the tip of his nose…[W]ithout the device Jackson resembles a mummy with two nostril holes…
[I]n 2000 Jackson attended a voodoo ritual in Switzerland where a witch doctor promised that Spielberg, music mogul David Geffen and 23 other people on the entertainer’s list of enemies would die. Jackson, who underwent a “blood bath” as part of the ritual, then ordered his former business adviser Myung-Ho Lee to wire $150,000 to a bank in Mali for a voodoo chief named Baba, who sacrificed 42 cows for the ceremony.
I was starting to feel some sympathy for him after that ABC TV special did a chop job on him, but if even some of the things said about him are true then he’s gone off the deep end some time ago. I’d like to think that some of these stories are exaggerations, but with Michael, nothing surprises me anymore…