Every year, Beloit College publishes its Mindset List, reminding us how incoming college freshmen view their world. This year’s Mindset List for the Class of 2011 is particularly poignant, as most incoming freshmen were born in 1989, making them the first post-Cold War class. Read the list to see things from their perspective; man, I feel old… ;-(
Ultimate Canon Rock
The YouTube video Ultimate Canon Rock mashes up 40 renditions of Johann Pachelbel’s Canon In D, more commonly known as Pachelbel’s Canon.
What Games Would Had Been Made from the 70s
The AtariAge Forums entry The 70s Games: What Games Would Had Been Made from the 70s is awesome!
Now that our old Atari VCS had turn 30th this year I think its time to go back and see what if Atari was cranking out many games using the 1970s theme from Blockbuster Movies, Cult Filmes, TV Shows and even Rock Songs. Here are some of the labels I made if Atari was making them from 1977 to 1979.
Definitely check it out (including the second page), as the thumbnail graphic above doesn’t do it justice…
The Simpsons Go To Paris with Linda Evangelista
The August 2007 issue of Harper’s Bazaar contained a pictorial article entitled The Simpsons Go To Paris with Linda Evangelista; NOTCOT has scanned in the article. The article features a bunch of images of Simpsons characters posing with fashion icons and their creations.
General Carbuncle
The automotive homage General Carbuncle is awesome:
James R Ford is a multi-media artist currently based in London, England. For this project, initiated in 2003, he aims to transform a second-hand Ford Capri into the General Lee, from Dukes of Hazzard, by covering it in little toy cars in the appropriate colours (mainly red and orange).
Bush Blog: Scooter Libby
I know that this is a little dated, but the YouTube Bush Blog video on Scooter Libby is still hilarious.
Chess Coaster
Boing Boing opines that the Chess Coaster meme originated at the xkcd online comic strip may well be “the purpose of the Internet.” 😉
Norman Borlaug: Greatest Living American?
Gregg Easterbrook of The Huffington Post writes that the “greatest living American” was all but ignored by the mainstream press when he was recently awarded the Congressional Gold Medal, America’s highest civilian award. I’ll admit that I had no idea who Norman Borlaug was before I read more about him, and it’s quite a pity that more people don’t know about this Nobel Peace Prize Winner, one of only two living American-born laureates.
10 Greatest Alcohol Icons of All Time
Modern Drunkard Magazine presents its list of the 10 Greatest Alcohol Icons of All Time, explaining the origins of icons like the Schlitz Malt Liquor Bull shown at right.
Optimus Prime Speed Painting
The YouTube video Optimus Prime Speed Painting is amazing…