Mayor Hacks Snowmageddon With Epic Tweets
Newark, NJ Mayor Cory Booker (Twitter handle @CoryBooker) is the man:
While New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie vacationed in Disney World, Cory Booker, the mayor of Newark, raced around his blighted and beleaguered city delivering diapers to stranded mothers, providing aid to women in labor and personally lifting cars out of the snow — all while subsisting on Diet Coke and Advil.
We know this because Booker, among the premier young superstars of the Democratic party, tweeted his exploits to more than a million followers. But Hizzoner wasn’t just showing off, even if his skillful use of social media demonstrates a level of public-relations savvy that is, frankly, lacking among some of his fellow northeastern politicos.
Rather, Booker was using Twitter to communicate directly with tens of thousands of stranded constituents. He repeatedly asked the good people of Newark to DM him (Direct Message, for you Luddites) their phone numbers if they had problems.