Office 2007 “Search Commands” Add-On

If you (like I have at work) have been forced into using Office 2007, you probably noticed that the user interface has changed drastically. I’ve sort of gotten used to the new “Ribbon” interface versus the conventional menu-based commands, but when I can’t find something, I have a much harder time in this interface than I ever did with the old.

I recently came across a free Microsoft-created (albeit unsupported) add-in called Search Commands that adds a tab to the end of the Ribbon that allows you to search for the command directly (versus going into the not always helpful Help dialog).

My main issue at work was that you need to have administrative access to install it, but I was able to get some relief with that via the limited admin user account my IT person created for me. Unfortunately, I now have to open Word and Excel via the “run as” command with that user to see the add-in, but that’s a minor inconvenience considering how helpful this is to me. Definitely download and install this if you’re using Office 2007…