The Incredible Mouth Band

The concept behind The Incredible Mouth Band (YouTube video) is pretty unusual:

I thought “wouldn’t it be a good idea if there was a band that, instead of playing instruments, just repeatedly spoke the title of their instrument to the tune of the song” then I thought “No it’d be terrible and they’d get nowhere” So I tried it myself.

A bit out there, but original nonetheless…

The Middle East in 90 Seconds

Maps of War poses the question:

Who has controlled the Middle East over the course of history? Pretty much everyone. Egyptians, Turks, Jews, Romans, Arabs, Greeks, Persians, Europeans…the list goes on. Who will control the Middle East today? That is a much bigger question.

Check out the very cool Flash video below that displays a short geographical history of the Middle East in 90 seconds. is a movie trivia site with entried on “Your favorite stars, and the roles they didn’t get.” As WFMU’s Beware Of The Blog says,

Jodie Foster as Princess Leia in Star Wars? Elvis Presley as Joe Buck in Midnight Cowboy? Lucille Ball as Scarlett in Gone With the Wind? … Judy Garland as Mrs. Robinson in The Graduate? Alfred Hitchcock directing The Exorcist? Alfred Hitchcock directing Rosemary’s Baby? Sally Field as Alice in Friday the 13th? Meat Loaf as Bluto in Animal House? Holly Hunter in Evil Dead II: Dead By Dawn? Orson Welles in THX 1138? John Travolta in Splash? Molly Ringwald in Blue Velvet? … Drew Barrymore as Nomi in Showgirls? Bette Midler as Annie Wilkes in Misery? Ice Cube in Forrest Gump? … Madonna in Brazil? The searchable, cross-referenced database shows you who almost was… but eventually was not cast in the roles of a zillion different films, and opens up a Pandora’s box of alternate cinematic universes.

Well worth a visit…